PsyPhilProg: Understanding Knowledge

Who am I?

Ted Neward, "Computational Philosopher"


What, exactly, is it?


What is philosophy?


Ironically, most of us are (already) philosophers


Major branches of philosophy


Roger Scruton ("A Short History of Philosophy")


Philosophy is characterized by several things


Most science begins as philosophy

The Sorites Paradox

Exercise in philosophical thought

The Sorites Paradox

When do individual grains of sand become a heap?

The Sorites Paradox

When do individual grains of sand become a heap?

More importantly, why does this paradox take place?

Zeno's Paradoxes

Find the flaw in the argument

Zeno's Paradoxes

The god Apollo and a turtle are going to race

Zeno's Paradoxes

The god Apollo and a turtle are going to race

Apollo gives the turtle a huge head start

Zeno's Paradoxes

The god Apollo and a turtle are going to race

Apollo gives the turtle a huge head start

But if Apollo makes up half the distance between him and the turtle every second...

Zeno's Paradoxes

The god Apollo and a turtle ae going to race

Apollo gives the turtle a huge head start

But if Apollo makes up half the distance between him and the turtle every second...

... he can never catch the turtle!

Zeno's Paradoxes

An arrow is loosed from a bow to fly through the air

Zeno's Paradoxes

An arrow is loosed from a bow to fly through the air

But in any single moment in time, the arrow is not moving

Zeno's Paradoxes

An arrow is loosed from a bow to fly through the air

But in any single moment in time, the arrow is not moving

... therefore the arrow is not really moving at all!


Finishing up


What do we do with this? (Ask questions, of course!)